Seven seater

Smooth off road
Quite spacious
Diesel and petrol Engine
Charged Kshs 130000 per day
Available on self drive.
Toyota Prado Tx
Very Hardy

Seven Seater
Diesel and Petrol powered
Charged Kshs 12000 per day
Available on self drive
Pajero Old Model
Best car to use 4WD fo

seven seater but best five
Smooth off road
Both diesel and petrol engine
Charged Kshs 12000 per day
Available on self drive
Pajero New model.
Very reliable 4WD

seven seater
Smooth off road
Preferable petrol engine
Charged Kshs 12000 per day
Available on self drive
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4 Wheel Parts is an equipment store for truck and jeeps, and you may save a lot from Coupons showcase on the next order with this coupon code. This is the place to find components to transform the vehicle into a ripping creature with lift kits, suspension kits, light, side steps and running boards, side covers, roll bars and more. 4 wheel parts coupons is an excellent shop to make your vehicle loud and trendy, but they take things for regular car care and upkeep as well.
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